How to Keep Your Home Safe

It has been said that Halloween is one of the busiest nights of the year for crime and home burglary, but is that true? With kids and parents walking the streets the entire night, it should feel a little safer, right? Though there is some truth to this, it is also the perfect scenario for someone who may want to blend in with the crowds walking the streets. Not to mention that it is also a day where people are encouraged to wear costumes and masks, therefore being unrecognizable. 

While you may not have anyone trying to break into your home on Halloween, there are other things you may want to look for, such as home vandalization, porch pirates, car theft, and unwanted trespassing. Also, you may have not known this, but Halloween is one of the biggest holidays for alcohol consumption. Anytime there is a lot of alcohol involved, trouble is usually right around the corner. 

We don’t say this to scare you into staying indoors on such an exciting day, but more so that you can be aware and prepared. We want you to have a fun and memorable Halloween this year; so here are some quick tips to stay safe on All Hallows’ Eve!

Halloween Safety Tips:

  • Leave the Lights On- When you’re taking your kids out for trick or treating, make sure to leave your inside lights on. Take it a step further and leave some music on as well, as sound is one of the biggest deterrents. 
  • Have a Home Security System– Having a home security system is one of the most important actions you can take to keep your home and family safe. Our home security systems include features like remote viewing, which means you can check on your home while out trick or treating. 
  • Knock Knock Who’s There?- While it’s common for your doorbell to be constantly ringing the night of Halloween, always make sure to check who’s at the door before opening. If you feel that it is someone who may be too old for trick or treating, or seems suspicious, do not open your door. 
  • Take a Flashlight- When out trick or treating, bringing a flashlight can be used for more than just seeing where you’re going. This also lets other people know that you are aware of your surroundings. Someone who may be thinking of committing a burglary or a smaller crime may be deterred if they see a group of people with a flashlight. 

Here at AmeriGuard, we want you to have a memorable and safe Halloween. If you have any questions about safety surrounding Halloween or would like to learn more about our security systems, give us a call at (559) 271-5984. We hope you have a great Halloween!